Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Blog #4- The discovery of Netlifx



     Netflix has become a platform truly like no other where people can stream all their favorite shows, documentaries, and movies. However, the Netflix we know today didn't always start out this way. Back in 1997, Netflix was first founded by Reed Hastings and co-founder Marc Randolph. According to the platform first started out as an idea with DVD rentals being involved. At this time, DVDs were first being invented and Netflix was able to provide a perfect way for DVD companies to earn recognition and also get their new DVD rental service business. In 199 the official subscription service began where people could rent DVDs and they would be sent to their house along with a return DVD envelope so they could return the DVD when they were done. At the time, the use of having a subscription service for these DVDs was an amazing discovery and one that really shaped the future of Netflix as a whole. Netflix has always been very good at adapting to the new technology in society by improving its streaming service over the years. In 2007, Netflix provided subscription users with the option to watch all their favorite tv shows and movies on the internet in their own homes by going to and getting to rent movies through the internet. In 2010, Netflix started to develop into the Netflix we know and love today by introducing their first unlimited streaming plan where people could subscribe to the platform and in return receive unlimited streaming of anything of their choice. Today, Netflix is still an unlimited streaming platform with many tv show series and movies of their own that have become very popular throughout the years. Netflix is constantly uploading what is on and off the app in terms of old throwbacks and new things to watch. Platforms like Netflix Party have also emerged where we are seeing a multiple-person platform where several people are able to watch a Netflix tv show or movie at the same time. The main goal Netflix started out trying to attempt was to provide a fun DVD rental service where people could easily access their favorite tv shows and movies and from there with the ongoing technological advancements, they were able to expand on their company and invent it into the service we love today, unlimited streaming straight from our bedroom! 




Netflix has had a very interesting impact on our everyday lives as it has become the most popular streaming service in the world. A very interesting impact Netflix has is the ability for people in countries all over the world to use their platforms. The service provides captions in many different languages as well as international movies ranging from voice-overdubs to captions and even remakes in different languages. Netflix is allowing many people to not only just watch and be entertained, but the opportunity to learn from other cultures. A good example is squid game, one of the most popular Netflix shows of all time that recently came to Netflix. The show originated in Korea and was originally filmed in Korean with hired voice actors to re-record the audio in english. I personally learned so much from just this show such as the way people typically live in Korea, the economic system there, the markets there, and just the overall way of life. I was able to gain helpful insight into another country whale still getting entertained by a fictional show. Netflix has opened a whole new window for adapting people to new cultures and helping all around the world understand each other. One of the biggest benefits overall is to provide entertainment for people to escape their everyday life. Netflix has become a social gathering platform where people or couples will come together to watch something on the platform promoting social interaction yet entertaining with technology. With that being said, there are still negatives. One of the biggest is that it distracts you from daily life too much. One feature the streaming platform has recently developed is when you binge-watch a show, it will automatically play the next episode within 5 seconds before you can even click play or stop it from continuing. According to people can go into posting and turn this feature off, but it does initially come with the program itself which is a very distorting feature. Overall Netflix improved on entertainment through technology to a great extent. People can now come together to watch all of their favorite movies and shows and stream from the comfort of their own homes.


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