Monday, February 14, 2022

Blog #6- EOTO new information


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      During the EOTO presentations, I learned some very interesting information about inventions we all love and know today. I thought everyone presented the history very well and I found myself most focused on the impact of these inventions because that is important for shaping our future. After hearing all of them I’d have to say the most interesting history of an invention was the pager and the carrier pigeon.


The pager began in 1921 and started out as a way for cops to communicate which I found to be a very interesting fact I never knew. My dad is an officer back home in New York and after telling him this information he found that his work headquarters actually had some old original pagers from the time cops were using them which was very interesting to me considering how long it's been since they came out. Pagers were developed in the late ’90s into two-way pagers where people could reply directly from their devices. Some pros of the pager would be that they can be used in dead zones which I think is the most impact factor to consider. We as a society have so heavily relied on service and data and wifi and with the pager even in an area with no reception, they can still be used to communicate or get a message across. Another great pro is that they are inexpensive and typically have a long battery life making them easy to access and can last for long periods of time if needed. One of the most crucial cons to focusing on is the fact that they can only really connect to one network at a time which makes it hard for fast efficient communication as we know it today. When the pager first came out, It was an incredible invention that really made an impact on communication. However, if we still today tried to go back to using the original pagers we would get frustrated as we are so used to having everything move at lightning speed at the tips of our fingers with our phones, new pagers, and other forms of digital communication. I also found the carrier pigeons to be very different from other presentations because it involves live animals and it’s not how we transport any mail today. Carrier pigeons were great for sending mail when needed back in the day, especially during war times when people had to get their messages across as quickly and conveniently as they could, which at the time, was using birds. Now we have people to deliver mail as well as most mail being virtual. For that slim period of time, we had one of the coolest ways of transporting mail to others and for this reason, I was highly entertained during this presentation hearing about an invention that died off but the legacy of it lives on forever.

Overall, all of the EOTO presentations were interesting because we don't typically look into the history of any inventions we have today, we just live our lives without even thinking of it. With that being said, the pager and carrier pigeon were the most interesting to me and I will definitely be doing more research on the history and impact of these inventions.

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