Monday, February 14, 2022

Blog #7- Privacy issues online

      Privacy and surveillance issues across the internet are not only scary but dangerous. It’s extremely uncomfortable to think about all these different people who can be spying on us. The government, criminals, hackers, international spy services, etc. I feel as if our new society run by cell phones and technology is so hesitant to believe this formation. They never think anything bad will happen to them and are so addicted and caught up in the everyday flow of technology that they don't realize the dangers that can come with it. Dariath’s story really touched me with her nude photos hitting the internet. He was not just some random hacker or person, but someone who she personally knew who stalked her to the point of obsession and went to bend her back to post them on the internet. These issues can affect anyone from me to my friends and family. I was passionate about this issue and decided to ask my friends what they thought about these privacy issues and out of all 13 of the people I asked, they all said they already know that the government, as well as other people, are looking at their data and online presence. Somehow, it didn’t bother them because they said that they don't think anything bad could happen from it. It’s “normal” to them. However, this issue isn’t something we should just sit back and watch happen but we should try to stop and make the most change we can.

   The government should definitely be looking into these issues, especially with potential foreign companies stealing our data and tracking us. However, there is a huge part of me that believes that our own U.S government tracks our information and spies on us through our phones. The government needs to pass harder laws restricting the use of hacking and most important stealing data and information. Dariath went into detail during her speech about how hard, expensive, and confusing it was to make small minimal efforts of deleting the pictures off of the website. Our government needs to create more awareness and a more stable plan and what to do if that happens and harder and more strict punishments for those who do break the law by exposing people or violating their perusal online information. We can protect ourselves by not looking anything up or flashing our camera anywhere you wouldn't be comfortable showing the world. We often feel like our phone is a mini bubble but sadly that just isn't true. We as a society need to remember that someone may always be watching so don't take explicit pics, don't look up stuff that you wouldn't be comfortable sharing with others, and make sure your phone camera isn't violating yourself. Overall, I really hope we can come together as a society to slowly bring more awareness to privacy issues on the internet and proper and easy solutions to solve them in a timely manner.

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