Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Blog #8 EOTO #2- Alternative Media

    Alternative Media are news sources or media outlets that aren’t considered “mainstream” and tend to be left or right-biased leaning sources. When you think of big mainstream media sources, they are all large corporations and many are owned by the same big corporation skewing what each news source covers and the narrative they are trying to convey. Mainstream media has such a large diverse audience that they are able to often or what people see, hear, and overall believe based on what they report. Alternative media are great for conveying new and different recipes to people rather than just mainstream media. Alternative news is not corporate-based and is non-profit meaning that they aren't in it for the money but rather to teach and inform people of current issues and topics. Many of these alternative media sites provide facts, news stories, and more informative information you don't hear about much on the mainstream news. Examples of some keywords for news sources that are considered alternative would be “radical”, “independent”, “progressive”, and “activist.”

    My personal favorite alternative media site is https://patriotpost.us/. This source is a right learning pro-freedom site that left-leaning individuals may consider “radical.” I personally find mainstream media nowadays to focus on specific left-leaning narratives and try to cover up any mistakes our current administration makes. No administration or government is perfect, but by not acknowledging mistakes or issues, we can't fix them as a nation and grow. Alternative sites like this will address issues that are occurring with reliable solutions that the mainstream media will not cover. A current example is President Biden is only considering a black woman for the new upcoming supreme court vacancy. The mainstream media is praising this decision saying how great it is to promote diversity but this blog site talks about how it shouldn't matter the gender or color of an individual, but their knowledge and attitude they will bring to the table. Instead of focusing on the color or gender of someone, we should focus on who they are inside.

    Alternative media can be great for our future generations as it can provide people with more outlooks to get their news. We as a society have become so lazy that we love to just turn on a news channel and watch any popularly known news sources and trust that everything being said is correct. However, since a lot of what is being reported is all owned by the same company, who is to say all their information is correct? It’s essential that we explore other alternative media sites to learn and also enhance our thoughts on an issue/topic. When looking at different age groups, I think older people would have a high probability of finding an alternative source since they are more aware of them and how to not always trust the mainstream media. Younger people such as kids, teenagers, and young adults tend to believe what they hear on tv since we grew up in an age where television has been our main source of entertainment. Overall, alternative media is a great option to explore topics in news rather than just trusting everything you hear or see on mainstream sources. 

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